A Guide to UGMA/UTMA Accounts
What is an UGMA/UTMA account, what are the pros and cons, how do they work, and how do they compare to 529s and taxable brokerage accounts?
What is an UGMA/UTMA account, what are the pros and cons, how do they work, and how do they compare to 529s and taxable brokerage accounts?
What is alternative investing? What types of investments best complement traditional stock and bond portfolios? What shouldn't be called an "alternative"?
How does the risk of a leveraged portfolio compare to a 100% stock portfolio?
The optimal investment portfolio provides the greatest return for risk taken. In this post, we review which portfolios have offered the best risk-reward relationships and why you should care.
A four-category budgeting method to know your keep-the-lights-on expenses, plan ahead for big expenses, and provide for guilt-free spending.
Kardinal Financial's Investment Strategy involves combining two concepts: Risk Parity and Capital Efficiency (leverage). Here's why I lever.